
My Cousin The Great Softball Player

I just found out what a great softball player my cousin in West Virginia is.

Erin plays on her high school team. She has .456 batting average and plays 2nd base.

Last night her mom called to tell me Erin had a single, double, and triple in her game. She scored 3 runs and also stole 3rd base.

Carrie and I are very proud of Erin. Not only is she a great athlete, but a great young lady who has a heart to follow God. She is going on her first overseas mission trip this summer. We pray that God will use her to bring many people into a closer relationship with him.

Like a lot of the young people who play in our sports leagues at Christ's Church, Erin is a true example of someone who engages with the world around her (like playing sports) yet does not allow the world to change her.

Keep it up, Erin!

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