
Our Camden County Campus

This weekend I had the privilege of preaching at our Camden County campus. It was a great experience. I love the people there. They are passionate about what they are doing and have totally invested themselves into their ministry. I look forward to being with them several more times throughout the summer.

In my preparation for the sermon on discipleship (they are going through the 40 Days of Purpose series), I ran across a great little story.

Several years back during a Monday Night Football Game between the Chicago Bears and the New York Giants, one of the announcers said that Walter Payton had rushed the ball for over 9 miles in his career. The other announcer replied, "That is a huge distance...especially considering he has been knocked down every 4.6 yards of that 9 miles!"

That reminds me of our lives as Christians. We are here growing and learning to be more like Christ, but the devil is doing everything he can to knock us down at every opportunity. While it sounds so simplistic, the key is getting back up each time.

By getting back up every time he was knocked down, Walter Payton went on to be one of the best running backs ever in the NFL. What will they say about you?

All I know is I want to here, "Well done my good and faithfull servant." That comes from getting back up when the devil knocks you down.

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