
A Child's Prayer

Last night in our youth soccer (Which has been going great! I love indoor soccer in July!), I asked the K-1 grade players if any of them wanted to pray for us before we played the game. A couple of hands went up, and I chose a young girl to step up and pray while I held the microphone.

"Dear God, thank you for letting us be able to play soccer today. Help everyone have fun. Please don't let my mom and dad be separated anymore. Let us have fun. Amen."

I have to admit...I was at a loss for words. I don't know that child's particular situation...and if I did I would not write about it here.

All I know is that there is some situation that caused this young girl to pray for her family.

Coming from a home that was rocked by divorce, I understand that child's prayer. It just served to remind me that in our sports we are "more than just a game." We are a community that can come together and pray for and with one another.

Will you say a prayer for that child today? God knows exactly who she is and what her situation needs.

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