
A Good Book...

I am reading the book Simple Church, by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger.

I would highly recommend it to anyone involved in church ministry...either volunteer or on staff.

Rainer has written many good books on evangelism and church growth. This book is different. It is based on research that revealed the most effective, healthy and growing churches are those that have simplified. He debunks the myth that more programs mean you are reaching more people and being more effective.

"Ironically people are hungry for simple because the world has become much more complex." (page 8). He then lists many companies who have grasped this concept.

  • Google - Have you noticed who simple their search page is at http://www.google.com/.

  • Apple - The have the entire iMac computer in one unit with the monitor. They started the whole 'plug and play' mantra.

  • Southwest Airlines - Simple flights with no hubs (you don't have to fly to Atlanta to get from Dallas to LA!)

  • Papa John's Pizza - They chose to just focus on pizza which allowed them to get better ingredients at better prices. They chose one thing and became experts at it.

  • Designers - Simple is in. For example, check out http://www.realsimple.com/.

We all have a desire to have our life simplified. Why do we in church sometimes make that difficult with all we offer and expect.

As I have been looking at how to best help our leadership team at our Camden County campus, I have learned that simple is the answer. We want a simple process (this means it moves people along a journey of intentional growth) that allows individuals to connect to Christ, grow in Christ and serve Christ.

The Sunday morning service is our time to connect. Small Groups are how we grow in Christ while building relationships with others. Understand how God SHAPED and volunteering is how we serve him and our community.

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