
What's In A Number?



There is a big difference between those numbers.

I have been thinking about those two numbers all week.

Over Easter weekend, we had 6,701 people in our worship services. They piled into our comfortable, yet crowded, sanctuary to hear a message and sink what were, for most, familiar songs. There was ministry provided for kids from birth to 4th grade which was incredible. It was all about making everyone feel welcome and "at home" at Christ's Church.

Then there were the approximately 125 people. This is the team that has kept me challenged all week. This team of individuals from Christ's Church...mostly from our Celebrate Recovery ministry...chose to spend their Easter Sunday in a not so comfortable environment. They were ministering to the homeless of Jacksonville at the City Rescue Mission in a tent set up outside their downtown building. Christ's Church was asked provide the service. We took it a step further by providing socks for everyone as they were leaving and lunch.

6,701 people attending and 125 ministering to about 100 homeless.

In my head I want to try and compare those numbers and ask which was better. I believe in my heart, however, that God is pleased we where both in the church and outside the church.

I am proud of my church, but the real challenge is to rest on this act of service, but to continually seek ways to make it a way of life.

Out of the church and into the community where people are hurt and broken.

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