
A "Vision" Reminder

I have been re-reading a book by Lovett H. Weems, Jr. called Church Leadership.

In it he focuses on vision, team, culture and integrity...all integral parts of effective church leadership.

Here is what Weems has to say about vision:

It is a dream. It is a picture of what is possible. Perhaps the best way to think of it is a "picture of a preferred future." Rosabeth Moss Kanter believes that such a picture must be in place before people can let go of the past and permit change to take place. As Aristotle put it, "The soul ...never thinks without a

I am now in the process of "dreaming" about the youth sports ministry at Christ's Church. Over the next couple of weeks I will be sharing a lot of what that picture looks like. Exciting days are ahead!

As Bishop Rueben P. Job put it, "Vision allows us to see signs of the kingdom now, in our midst." Seeing God's kingdom in the midst of our youth sports....what a sight!

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