
Looking for David?

I have a new blog site at www.PurposeInEveryStep.com

Check it out. I will not be updating this blog site any longer.

Thanks for keeping up with me on the blog!


Think you've had a bad day...

I found this story online today. It serves as a great reminder that whenever you are having a bad day...someone else is having a day like this man.

Man crashes at driveway, sees home catch fire, gets ticket
The Associated Press

Rock Island, Tenn. — A Rock Island man whose car was hit as he tried to make a left turn into his driveway saw his home going up in flames as he was airlifted to the hospital. Tennessee Highway Patrol officer Monte Terry said Justin Hill, 42, was hit by an oncoming car when he pulled into its path on Tuesday evening.

Hill's wife heard the crash and ran outside, leaving the kitchen stove, where she had been cooking, unattended.

Within minutes, the trailer was on fire, and firefighters who had responded to the accident found themselves fighting the blaze.

The home had extensive damage. Hill was treated and released from the hospital, but he was cited in the accident for failure to yield.


No Complaing Rule!!

I love this video. My friend Daniel Dekker is working with the author...Jon Gordan...on this new book. Here is a promo video. Make sure you watch it to the end!


Loving Father or Older Brother?

“Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisees and teachers of religious law complain that he was associating with such sinful people—even eating with them!” Luke 15:1-2 (NLT)

So, what did Jesus do?

He told three great stories.

The first one was about a lost sheep that the shepherd went out to find, leaving the 99 he had behind to find the one that was lost.

The second was about a lady losing one of her ten silver coins and doing an all out search to find it.

And then there was this story.

Here are the basics of the story of the prodigal son. A son wants his inheritance so he can go out on his own. His father gives it to him and he goes and blows all of it and ends up eating with a bunch of pigs…literally. He decides to go back to his father and beg for a place on his father’s staff as a servant. As his father sees him coming, he runs out to meet the son and gives him shoes, a ring, and a robe. Dad kills the big calf that was being saved for a special occasion and throws a crazy party for his son that had returned. The older brother gets upset and complains that he has never had a party thrown for him.

OK…make sure you read the story to get all the details. It is Luke 15:11-32

This week I heard a message about this story that challenged me. It was from Reggie Joiner in the opening session of the Orange Conference I was at in Atlanta.

Looking at this story in context of the chapter, there is a definite parallel between the Pharisees in verses 1-2 and the older brother in this story. There is also a connection between the way Jesus engaged with sinners and the way the loving father treated his prodigal son.

Think about these comparisons.
A loving father mentality is preoccupied with whose missing.
An older brother mentality is preoccupied with self.

A loving father mentality operates from a context of forgiveness.
An older brother mentality operates from a context of shame.

A loving father throws a party – is about building relationships.
An older brother throws a fit – is about tearing down.

A loving father confronts older brother thinking…then takes him to the party.
An older brother criticizes the loving father from a distance.

A loving father keeps the lights on as long as it takes.
An older brother closes the doors and turns off the lights.

So, where are you? Loving father or older brother? Now, don’t do what I first did and start to think through people in your head who you think would fit into one of these categories. Honestly deal with yourself. Who are YOU?

“Don’t just think about who is sitting around the table, but who is not there.” Reggie Joiner


Church At The Local Bar?

What do you think about this one?

SIDNEY, Ohio — Another round and amen! Beer was on tap and a mechanical bull inspired the sermon as a new church held its inaugural service in a western Ohio bar.

The Country Rock Church drew about 100 people to Sunday night's meeting at the Pub Lounge in Sidney, 35 miles north of Dayton.

The barroom church is an offshoot of Sidney United First Methodist Church, whose head pastor says he's been looking for creative ways to reach people in unconventional places.

The church's Web site for its new branch advertises "Top regional bands, pizza, wings, rowdy fun & a short message."

The Rev. Chris Heckaman says people really seemed to enjoy themselves so he expects the Country Rock Church will meet weekly.

Heckaman's sermon compared staying on the bar's mechanical bull to learning how to get along in life. (Click Here for FoxNews.com article)

It seems like churches are sprouting up everywhere these days. It makes me think of 1 Corinthians 9 where Paul says he desires to find common ground with everyone so he can bring them to Christ...but he does it all within the laws of Christ.

I say the more we can do within the law of Christ to bring people to Christ then let's go! I don't see anything in the Bible against riding a mechanical bull!


In Touch With My "Artsy" Side

Every month or two, my small group comes up with a service project to work on. We started this after our Faith In Action series last fall which challenged us to "be the church" instead of just going to church.

Last Thursday we took our regular study time (we have been going through the book of Hebrews) and made cards for troops in Iraq. I have to say...I'm not the artsy type, but I had fun. Thanks to April and her bucket of cool scrapbooking "tools" I was able to create a card all by myself! Billy took a picture with his cellphone so I could have proof to show Carrie, who was home sick.

Serving has become an important part of our group's identity. I guess that comes as we...individually and corporately...grow to be more like Christ. How can one seek to have a heart like Jesus and not find ways to serve others?

I have to admit, however, that I sometimes struggle with the idea of Christians doing "service projects." We have to purposely remind ourselves that this scheduled act of sevice that fits perfectly into our life and usually doesn't cost us much money or effort does not replace a life of service. These projects often leave me with a sense that I have done something good...I have checked that box off and it lasts for a while.

With every mission trip I have been a part of...either going on the trip or having a group come to work with me...I have made a point to remind the participants that what you do on a mission trip is not as important as how it changes your life when you get back. I believe it is the same with service projects. They should change our perspective on how we live the rest of our life.

What do you think? Am I thinking too much on this? That is totally possible!


Catalyst Road Trip Team

Last night I enjoyed the NCAA basketball finals with a great group of guys at a local pizza joint. My friend Daniel Decker arranged for us to meet up with a couple of guys from Atlanta who are visiting local church leaders around the country in a VW vanagon. Jacksonville was the last stop on the tour.

LV (really...that's his name) and Micah, work for Injoy in Atlanta and are on the road marketing the Catalyst Conference and hearing stories from churches on the frontline making an impact in their community. Check out the blog about their adventure here.

The game was great, but I really enjoyed the conversation with these guys. It was a couple of guys from my church and Rich and Kevin from Access Church, a newer church in Jacksonville that is doing it right and making an impact. It isn't often I can sit for a couple of hours with another lead pastor watching a game talking about what God is doing at our churches and the struggles and victories we experience.

It isn't often churches take time to talk to each other. Too often we would rather talk about each other. This was an experience I certainly want to repeat.


Amazing Stat!

In a meeting with several top marketing, sales, and advertising experts from the Jacksonville area yesterday, I learned an amazing statistic.

On average, we are advertised to 3,000 times a day! That amazes me.

The meeting I was in when I heard this statistic was regarding branding the church and getting a focused message out regarding our church. This is not an easy task...especially with 2,999 other advertisements fighting for your attention.


OK...I can admit it!

Yes, I am a fan of Hannah Montanna.

I know...as a grown man with no kids that is sad.

My wife and I find ourselves watching her show on Disney all the time (followed by The Suite Life of Zach and Cody...but that should be another post).

While on Foxnews.com today, I found an article about Miss Miley Cyrus (who is Hannah Montanna if you didn't know...and, yes, she is the daughter of that Cyrus). I really appreciated this part.

LOS ANGELES — At just 15, Miley Cyrus is a multi-millionaire mogul not just for her music but for her film, fashion and entrepreneurial endeavors; however, the pop princess has managed to stay sane (and sensible) amid her very adult-like life and credits Christianity for her good behavior.

"I think it’s my faith that keeps me grounded, especially because I’m a Christ follower for sure," Cyrus told us. "Live like Christ and he’ll live in you, and that’s what I want to do." Click here for rest of article.

I love that part "...especially because I'm a Christ follower for sure."

Can you say that the way you act and behave is evidence that you are a Christ follower for sure?


What's In A Number?



There is a big difference between those numbers.

I have been thinking about those two numbers all week.

Over Easter weekend, we had 6,701 people in our worship services. They piled into our comfortable, yet crowded, sanctuary to hear a message and sink what were, for most, familiar songs. There was ministry provided for kids from birth to 4th grade which was incredible. It was all about making everyone feel welcome and "at home" at Christ's Church.

Then there were the approximately 125 people. This is the team that has kept me challenged all week. This team of individuals from Christ's Church...mostly from our Celebrate Recovery ministry...chose to spend their Easter Sunday in a not so comfortable environment. They were ministering to the homeless of Jacksonville at the City Rescue Mission in a tent set up outside their downtown building. Christ's Church was asked provide the service. We took it a step further by providing socks for everyone as they were leaving and lunch.

6,701 people attending and 125 ministering to about 100 homeless.

In my head I want to try and compare those numbers and ask which was better. I believe in my heart, however, that God is pleased we where both in the church and outside the church.

I am proud of my church, but the real challenge is to rest on this act of service, but to continually seek ways to make it a way of life.

Out of the church and into the community where people are hurt and broken.



We have created a new Christ's Church Leadership Blog called Elevate.

Check it out here!

There will be ongoing postings from myself and Jason Cullum, lead pastor. From time to time others will post as well.

Let me know what you think.


Communion with Apple Juice and Bread

Today I had the privilege of being the minister at a small family memorial service for Violet Long, or Granny, as I was introduced to her.

Violet lived 92 beautiful years. She spent the first 17 years of her life in an orphanage. She was full of love and I enjoyed hearing all the stories from her family.

I first met Violet just over two weeks ago. Her family invited me over to see her and have communion...except I didn't know I would be having communion with them. Since I didn't show up prepared to lead in communion, we ended up taking the Lord's Supper using apple juice in dixie cups and a slice of bread cut into squares.

This communion experience reminded me that what matters most is the heart and not hte emblems. I don't want to get focused on making sure I do everything so right that I forget people in the process.

That is one lesson I learned from my time with Granny.


A Great "Dream" Story

My good friend and fellow blogger, Daniel Decker, recently made a post on his blog about a poster his daughter made at school for Martin Luther King's birthday.

It was a moving reminder of how simple things should be for us as adults.

Check out the entire blog here.


Not too profound

I wish I had a real profound way to put this that would make everyone amazed by my use of words and ideas to express this fundamental concept.

Here it is: I am learning to trust God even more.

Powerful, isn't it.

I was recently at a Panera restaurant in Orlando, FL after a conference with other executive pastors from across the country. Being in Orlando and close to the tourist areas, there were people all around me speaking different languages. I literally counted 6 different languages in just a few minutes.

Have you ever been to a country where you didn't speak the language? In Honduras I had some experiences of feeling uncomfortable because I didn't know the language.

I am learning that trusting God sometimes feels like that. I don't always understand what is going on around me, but I am going to go enjoy the adventure. It sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable because I am not in control.

So what is a guy to do?

I choose to trust. Yes, it is a choice. What do you decide?

When things begin to go crazy around you what do you decide?

When you feel overwhelmed, but you know you are in the place God wants you, what do you decide?

When your head is spinning and you're frustrated because you see a glimpse of how things could be but are not, what do you decide?

Make a choice! I choose to trust God. Not always the easiest choice, but always the most rewarding.


Back In The Groove

As you can see, it has been a while since my last post. These have been some very busy days.

Well, I am now getting back on track with the blog.

I hope you enjoy my thoughts as they come from a new perspective now.