
Catalyst Road Trip Team

Last night I enjoyed the NCAA basketball finals with a great group of guys at a local pizza joint. My friend Daniel Decker arranged for us to meet up with a couple of guys from Atlanta who are visiting local church leaders around the country in a VW vanagon. Jacksonville was the last stop on the tour.

LV (really...that's his name) and Micah, work for Injoy in Atlanta and are on the road marketing the Catalyst Conference and hearing stories from churches on the frontline making an impact in their community. Check out the blog about their adventure here.

The game was great, but I really enjoyed the conversation with these guys. It was a couple of guys from my church and Rich and Kevin from Access Church, a newer church in Jacksonville that is doing it right and making an impact. It isn't often I can sit for a couple of hours with another lead pastor watching a game talking about what God is doing at our churches and the struggles and victories we experience.

It isn't often churches take time to talk to each other. Too often we would rather talk about each other. This was an experience I certainly want to repeat.

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